EVP - Amazed Me
EVPs that amazed me for what was said and recorded.
Research this - There's Researchers hereDebbie "Hey talk loud - Can you hear me? - Tell me my name" Spirit "I hear you too - Hi Debbie - Research this - There's Researchers here" 4/14/08
Yo Debbie - We're definitely talking - Oh shitDebbie "Hello" Spirit "Yo Debbie - We're definitely talking - Oh shit" 4/20/08 Got to be dead to come here"Got to be dead to come here" 11/2/06 Hes says that we're to seek all your helpDebbie "I'm here - Can anyone hear me?" Spirit?? "We still have her - Peter - Need your help" Debbie "Hello" Spirit?? "Who's that?" Debbie "It's me - Debbie - Hello" Spirit?? "That's Fabulous" Debbie "Can you hear me? Spirit?? "It's coming in - We hear her" Debbie "Oh good - I hear you too! Do you know my Son" Spirit?? "He says that we're to seek all your help" Debbie "Thank you - Good Bye" 08/08/07 |